
Posts Tagged ‘noodles’

Salmon and broccoli with white wine lemon butter noodles with capers

Yes, the title is a mouthful. But if you can memorize the title, then you’ve pretty much memorized the ingredient list. 🙂

The A/C went out at my apartment, so it’s about 90° in there. It’s 106° outside right now (at nearly 6 p.m.), so it’s still a significant difference from outside, but 90 degrees indoors is just not ok. Thus, I was FORCED to go sit at an air-conditioned coffee shop, at which I’m currently sipping an iced mocha and typing this post at my leisure, with no sweat in sight. Let’s not think about the fact that I eventually will have to go back and go to sleep in that sauna.

So. The noodles.

I know it looks plain, but the goodness that bursts onto your tastebuds is surprisingly flavorful.

As I started to eat, Stephen said “Did you get a picture of it for your blog yet?” I immediately thought 2 things: (1) He loves it! and (2) I just threw a bunch of stuff in a pan… how am I supposed to turn that into a recipe? That’s how I roll, folks. Which is why I will never become a great chef.


But I’m going to try. FOR YOU. Here is my rough attempt at reconstructing the noodle dish.

  • Angel hair pasta
  • A few Tablespoons of butter (REAL butter)
  • A couple glugs of white wine (not “cooking wine”)
  • A few teaspoons of capers, chopped a little smaller if they’re big
  • 2-4 tsp lemon juice
  • A few good sprinkles of garlic powder

The great thing about it is, you can experiment with how much of each ingredient you use, and it will still taste delicious no matter what.


It’s incredibly quick, easy and low-maintenance. I threw the whole meal (salmon, steamed broccoli and noodles) together, start to finish, in about 30 minutes.

  1. Cook angel hair pasta as usual, drain, and set aside. While the pasta is cooking, you can make the sauce:
  2. Combine all the sauce ingredients into a small skillet over medium heat. Simmer until the liquid is reduced by about half (the alcohol cooks out, leaving you with a delicious browned butter and wine flavor).
  3. Pour the sauce over the drained pasta in the pot and stir. If it looks a little dry, add 1-2 Tbs butter and heat over low heat for a few more minutes, stirring every now and then.

And that’s all! It doesn’t look like much, and I had to warn Stephen ahead of time that I wasn’t actually serving him plain pasta with random little green things in it.

Despite its humble appearance, it definitely has enough flavor to stand on its own, and it pairs marvelously with salmon. It stands out from all the “normal” pasta that people expect, so it’s an easy dish to add to a fancy meal if you’re having people over.

Note: The Albertson’s near us has had an incredible sale on salmon for the last couple weeks. It turned out to be a pretty cheap meal!

White wine lemon butter pasta with capers, beside salmon and broccoli

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