
Posts Tagged ‘snowmaggeddon’

You know the age-old question – what does 1 million of something actually look like? Well, here in Texas, we have a similar question: What does single-digit temperature actually feel like?

Yesterday, Stephen’s iPhone told us that the temperature was 14°, which is the lowest I’ve seen the temperature in years. That alone is enough to shut down schools and businesses across the metroplex because of the inch-thick ice coating the roads. But right next to the picture of a snowflake, it added this:

Feels like: 1°

1 Degree? I can’t even compute that.

We’ve been working from home the last 3 days, and I might as well be hooked up to an IV of tea, hot chocolate and coffee. Stephen and I actually went through all 10 or so of our coffee mugs and had to do an emergency dishwasher cycle (we used to joke about how we had more mugs than we knew what to do with… we never knew we’d be trapped in a BLIZZARD for 3, possibly 4 days).

Stephen with his makeshift office:

Makeshift office with computer, easy chair and coffee mug

I like to build my muscles when I’m typing emails:

Flexing my muscles in a muscle milk hat

Um… that’s Stephen’s hat by the way.

SO GO AHEAD AND LAUGH, northern friends. But who starts worrying about global warming when the temperature hits 80°Not us. That’s usually our first cold front of the year sometime around October. So let us have our winter storm of the century. It will be 110° before we know it, and we want to pretend like we have seasons for as long as we can.

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